Agricultural entrepreneurship training in Armenia, for refugees

Project name
Empowerment and improved knowledge and skills of Artsakh refugees to start  agricultural entrepreneurship

ESTDEV - Estonian Centre for International Development

Project duration: 
 july-december 2024

Margit Säre, margitsare

The project topic is professional empowerment of internally displaced persons from Artsakh, so that they acquire (or improve) practical skills and knowledge to work in agriculture and start their own business.

The training groups are divided between 3 topics: beekeeping, poultry farming/egg production; cultivation of berries/herbs, and 40 micro-subsidies are issued in each topic. We expect as the results that  at least 40 refugees have started their own agricultural enterprise. Our partner is Organic Armenia.

Main activities
14 August: Start up online seminar
24-29 August: Study tour to Estonia