Development of social entrepreneurship and employment of young people with disabilities in Razeni region, Moldova
Estonian Development Cooperation
Project duration: March 2021-May 2022
Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation; coordinator Margit. Sare @
Eco-Razeni, Moldova ; coordinator Sergiu Gurau
The project aims to create new training and employment opportunities for young people with special needs in Razeni region; and develop social entrepreneurship in Moldova.
1.Two webinars “New products, new services, new challenges“ for Moldova social entrepreneurs;
2. Purchase of equipment for Eco-Razeni bakery and development of new production offering healthy and high-quality bread / culinary products;
3. Development of Eco-Razeni responsive web and online sales;
4. Development of Eco-Razeni social entrepreneurhsip products and services visual identity, marketing (logos, packages, video etc..);
5. Field trip to Estonia for 5 Molodva specialists
6. Organising bread festival in Razeni in cooperation with local municipality;
7. Project closing seminar